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Marian Fillbrandt graduated from South Dakota State in 1933 with a Mathematics major. She spent many years teaching math and science. She established the Fillbrandt Endowment at South Dakota State to help South Dakota math and science teachers. A committee of faculty, along with Jeff Nelson with the SDSU Foundation, has determined that this endowment can be best utilized by providing $400 stipends to second through fifth year math and science teachers to attend the SDSTA/SDCTM conference. This will allow new teachers in rural areas to interact with their colleagues with similar professional interests.

The application deadline is December 1, 2024. The $400 stipend is intended to defray the costs of conference registration, accommodations, a substitute teacher for the Friday of the conference if a district will not provide one, and other costs associated with conference attendance. If you are selected for this stipend, you will be required to write a brief report at the end of the conference stating how the stipend benefited you and what you learned at the conference that you plan to use in your classroom. If you are selected, but are unable to attend for some reason, the stipend money will be returned to the endowment fund. The selection committee will take financial need into account during the selection process. 
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