SDSU 2023 18th eLearning Innovations Expo.
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Wednesday, Sept. 27
8:20 am | Zoom Keynote - The Future of eLearning (Paxton Riter)
9:00 am | Midjourney AI in Architecture: Transforming Pedagogy to Bridge Design and Technology (Nesrine Mansour)
10:00 am | Expert Opinion: Accessibility for All (Nancy Hartenhoff-Crooks)
11:00 am | Interactive Learning with Panopto (Jay Shore)
1:00 pm | Virtual Reality as a Thinking Tool for Understanding Molecular Structures (Marc Loschen)
2:00 pm | D2L Tools and Product Changes: What Just Arrived, What’s Next, and More! (Seth Fleming)
3:00 pm | The SDSU Metaverse: VictoryXR and So Much More! A Virtual World of Possibilities (Greg Heiberger)
4:00 pm | The Power of Personalized Tutoring: (Ashlenn Wellbrock)

Friday, Sept. 29
9:00 am | Labster Simulations: The Key to Unlocking Learning Potential in Science (April Ondis)
10:00 am | VR Pedagogy in Organic Chemistry and Beyond (Sara Madsen)
11:00 am | How LivePolls Can Enhance Student Learning and Participation (James Fernandes)
1:00 pm | Echo360: Unveiling and Demonstrating the New Web Poll Interface (Dylan Snyder)
2:00 pm | Virtual Reality, Real Impact - How VR can Change Your Classroom (Kathleen Ouellette)
3:00 pm | Leveraging AI Applications to Enhance Teaching and Learning (Patrick Hales)
4:00 pm | How OER Can Transform Education: A Guide for Instructors (Kip Thorson)

SDSU eLearning Innovations Expo Registration